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 Humans Info

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Join date : 2010-05-07
Age : 30

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PostSubject: Humans Info   Humans Info EmptyFri May 07, 2010 7:59 pm

Humans Info Warcraft3-arthas

Humans (aka mankind or humanity) in Warcraft are a resilient species native to the world of Azeroth. Many live in the Eastern Kingdoms, once known as the Azotha, they founded seven kingdoms that banded together in the Second War. Humans native to Northrend were often turned into slave labor in the magnataur kingdoms of ancient history.[3] Since the Third War, the kingdom of Stormwind has led humanity, and is a powerful member of the Alliance.

Recent history

With the recent invasion of the Burning Legion - which left the northern kingdom of Lordaeron in ruins — Stormwind now stands as the last bastion of human civilization. Following the heroic examples of the legendary Sir Lothar and King Llane, the knights and warriors of Stormwind are considered to be among the fiercest warriors in the land. They stand resolute in their charge to maintain the honor and might of humanity in an ever-darkening world.

Immediately after the events of the Third War, Azerothian humanity was on the ropes, and the race's future was somewhat in question. Humans have perhaps suffered the most out of all the races of Azeroth, having endured a bloody, genocidal invasion by the demon-corrupted orcs and losing almost all their northern population to the Plague. Out of the millions that once populated the Eastern Kingdoms in many splendid and wonderful cities, only hundreds of thousands still live. Despite this, in recent years the humans have devoted themselves to struggling back from the brink of racial extinction. Human lands are gradually being repopulated, and the humans have been able to consistently maintain strong garrisons for their cities as well.

The humans' primary threat now probably other than the Scourge, is the Forsaken who are continuing their attempts to expand south from Tirisfal into Arathi, although the human presence in the region remains strong with the remnants of Lordaeron and Stromgarde, causing the Hillsbrad area to be one of Azeroth's major battlefields. Despite all this, humans continue to be vigilant, and - perhaps as a result of their struggles - they have banded closer together and with the Alliance as a whole.

Current situation

Today, King Varian Wrynn oversees Stormwind under the watch of the council of nobles. During the absence of King Varian, the Kingdom of Stormwind lost much of its glory due to corruption from within. It still retains some ties with the towns of Darkshire, Lakeshire, Goldshire, Southshore, and (to a lesser extent) Menethil Harbor. Those towns fall under the protection and leadership of Stormwind, but they also have their own local military forces and independent democratic election (excluding Goldshire). Note that these independent forces are still under the Alliance.

Theramore Isle is an independent state that keeps close ties with Stormwind and is under the watchful leadership of the young mage Jaina Proudmoore, formerly of Kul Tiras. The merchant nation of Kul Tiras itself, still a strong member of the Alliance, is also an independent state under the rule of Lord Admiral Tandred Proudmoore, brother of Jaina and son of Daelin Proudmoore, a hero from the Second War. The city-state of Dalaran, with its powerful mages, still retains some control over Hillsbrad and Silverpine Forest and have recently moved there capital above Crystalsong Forest in Northrend to battle the threats arising here. In addition, there is an independent human enclave in the Arathi Highlands, the remnants of the Kingdom of Stromgarde. It is rumored the once-allied empire of Gilneas is still flourishing and populated with humans - but no word has been heard of them for years.

Magic and technology

Humans can practice arcane magic and divine magic, their mastery of these arts are rivaled on Azeroth perhaps only by the high elves, blood elves, and the draenei. These magics are used to heal and create in times of peace, and to harm and destroy in times of war.

Humans have a relatively good understanding of science and technology. However, this understanding does not come close to that of their dwarven and gnomish allies. The efforts of human engineers are laughable when compared to those of the dwarves' and gnomes'. These races have provided their advanced artillery, metalworking, and engineering skills to the Alliance during times of war. These are considerable benefits, including the creation and operation of powered siege engines and flying machines. The Deeprun Tram is a gnome-built mechanical wonder that serves as a speedy underground transportation device between Ironforge and Stormwind.

Humans have a great deal of respect for both the dwarves and gnomes for these accomplishments, and are eternally grateful for their contributions to the Alliance. Humans, for the most part, do not seem to be particularly aware of nor concerned about the harms the advancement of civilization and technology (as well as the use of arcane magic) may bring upon nature and the world. However, humans respect the night elves and their desire to preserve their sacred forests and lands in Kalimdor.

Human architecture is less pleasing to the eye than elven architecture, utilizing straight angles and simple materials such as wood, stone and mortar. However, human structures are much more resistant to damage than elven or Horde structures. Human structures are not nearly as strong as dwarven structures or as advanced as gnomish architecture, but they are much easier to build, and human forts and towns can be built relatively quickly.
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